Gut-Healing & Yummy Probiotic Lemonade (No Fermentation Required)

While you may not consider your digestive or “gut” health on a daily basis, it’s a crucial part of your overall well-being. Did you know that as many as 500 different species of bacteria reside in our bodies—collectively called the microbiome? While some of these bugs are referred to as “friendly,” others provide no benefit, and can even be harmful.

Research suggests that the ideal balance between these little microbes for optimal wellness is 85% “good,” with 15% (or less) of the “bad.” Happily, once you have established a thriving population of friendly bacteria, you minimize the growth of “bad” bugs competing for both nutrition and attachment sites in the colon.

Gut health is a great wellness ally! A microbiome proliferating with friendly bacteria has many benefits, such as minimizing chronic inflammation. This in turn can reduce our risk of numerous health problems—as well as helping us fully digest food, synthesize key nutrients, and filter and eliminate harmful bacteria, toxins, and waste products. And, very importantly, good bacteria support healthy immunity. In fact, as a study in the Journal Clinical & Experimental Immunology reveals, 80% of our immune system is centered within our gut.

While there are many fermented foods, beverages and supplements on the market to help boost gut wellness, here’s an easy drink you can make at home today –Probiotic lemonade! Along with improving gut health, this delicious drink—which you can customize to your preferences—also has an alkalizing effect on the body, helping to neutralize the effects of acidifying foods and drinks such as meat, dairy, sugar, white flour, coffee and especially, alcohol. Make this your spring go-to rise and shine beverage or favorite mocktail. Great for the whole family!


1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice, or several whole, peeled lemons, seeds removed
3-4 cups distilled or purified water
1-3 probiotics capsules
Stevia, agave, or maple syrup to taste

Bonus additions:

1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 small knob ginger
Cayenne to taste


Place lemons or lemon juice in blender along with water, contents of probiotics capsules, sweetener of choice (go easy, adding more later if need be), and optional bonus adds. Blend until fully emulsified. Serve over ice with fresh mint and enjoy!

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