- Human and gender inequality are false social constructs. We are all inherently worthy of dignity and respect, regardless of race, gender, age, creed, identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, or social/economic status.
2) We correctly view the natural world as a community, not a commodity. All human actions must honor and reflect this reality for a sustainable future on Earth.
3) Animals are sovereign beings with a right to life. We humans have no right to unnecessary and cruelly commodify these sentient beings, and in doing so, we damage ourselves as well.
4) Harm to anyone or anything compromises our humanity. We avoid all forms of willful damage to another including rape, murder, theft, or in any form of victimization to people, animals, or the environment.
5) All human freedoms are predicated on our being ethical and responsible with an aim of well-being for all living things. In this life stance, we all win.
6) Belief systems may vary, but we can all be rational. Teach children to think critically, using reason as their guide. Science, knowledge, observation, and rational analysis are the best ways to determine any course of action.
7) Do not coerce anyone into your belief systems, especially children before the age of reason. There is no single “right” life view beyond allowing others to walk their own path freely, provided they are ethical and responsible.
8) The governing of humans must be predicated on reason, not superstition. Religion has no place in any government which represents all people, cultures, and beliefs.
9) We value education for all, and strive to impart the positive knowledge from our lives to the next generation, ensuring a wiser and more humane future. Indeed, our survival depends on it.
10) Join forces in humanity to promote peace in all things. War is a relic from our barbaric past. In our New Age of Enlightenment, we handle conflict with diplomacy, not violence. War is over.