5 Awesome Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Chick Ulti

“Eating an abundance of vegetables, fruits and other plant foods may protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension and birth defects” ~ The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

More Americans are transitioning to a plant-based diet than ever before, largely due to overwhelming evidence presented in recent decades on the many health benefits of doing so. According to the National Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and many other agencies in the U.S. and abroad, a produce-rich, low fat, high fiber diet offers the best disease prevention across the board.

Healthy Hearts

Since animal products like meat and dairy are the main source of saturated fat─and the only source of dietary cholesterol─replacing them with plant foods such as beans, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds offers immediate benefits, including an infusion of disease-preventing fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which animal products lack. Numerous studies have found that a low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet, combined with stress reduction techniques, smoking cessation, and exercise, can actually reverse atherosclerosis—hardening of the arteries.

Cancer prevention

Fruits, veggies, and other plant foods are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients that protect our cells from free radical damage, helping to nip the “cancer cascade” safely in the bud. Plant foods also contain thousands of phytochemicals─natural compounds that protect against cancer in a variety of ways. Several large European studies reveal that vegetarians are about 40% less likely to develop cancer than meat-eaters.

Blood pressure reduction

Many studies have shown that people who follow plant-based diets typically have lower blood pressure than meat eaters. This is partly due to the fact that fresh produce is naturally rich in potassium, while processed meat and dairy products are high in processed salt. While commercial salt tends to raise blood pressure, potassium reduces it. Research suggests that the more fiber, fruit, and vegetables people consume, the lower their blood pressure is.

Diabetes prevention

While the traditional Western diet─based in animal products, refined flour, sugar, salt, and processed snack items─tends to encourage the development of diabetes, a menu based in whole plant foods can, in many ways, help to prevent it, according to numerous scientific studies. Type 2 diabetes is better managed, and can even be reversed, with a low-fat, plant-centered diet and regular exercise, as this combination allows insulin to work more effectively, promoting stable glucose (blood sugar) levels.

Healthy weight loss

While it’s easy to overeat processed, low fiber, high calorie items, plant foods help you feel full sooner so you don’t overeat. Fruits, veggies, beans, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds are not only nutrient-dense, they’re also fiber-rich and contain functional water, helping you to feel satisfied without too many calories. And, because these foods are so rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, they quickly satisfy the appestat─an area in the brain that regulates appetite and food intake based on the nutritional value of what you consume. A plant-based menu allows you to eat a higher volume of food, while still keeping that waistline trim.

While this is just the tip of the iceberg as to benefits, it’s impressive indeed and sure to inspire and motivate those wishing to optimize their health and well-being. Cheers!

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